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Not sure if this was asked previously...My application for the 2017-2018 was finally switched to qualified status in November 2017. I have since resubmitted for the new school year, 2018-2019 school year, do I have to be re-qualified for the new school year? Thanks
haha Thankfully no, you generally do not need to be re qualified every year. The only time that would happen is if you added classes/certifications and wanted to be re-evaluated for new target job.

You generally just need to re-upload your certifications and transcripts every year when it is time to renew your application.
Apr 24, 2018
HelpOthers haha has given accurate advice. Once qualified, it is rare they would unqualify you. This might happen if you let a teaching certificate/license expire that was used to reduce the required number of credits in an area. Another reason might be if they change the requirements, etc. When you open your application, you should be able to see on your qua...See More
Apr 25, 2018

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