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I was made aware of a tax reform passed by Congress that went into effect on January 1st of this year. There is a lot of discussion about this going around, but we are understanding it to mean that our HHG move and airfare to our new duty station are now considered taxable income. I'm sharing this because it is something that you may want to investigate further because if you are hired and/or transfer, you may be responsible for paying taxes on the cost of the move. If anyone has input on this, please share! Considering I was hired after this went into effect, I'm very concerned about the amount we will owe on our taxes next year.

Here's some info:
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someday Icanread did that also include shipping a car or no?
Apr 27, 2018
haha We didn't ship a car but I recall that we were allowed 18K lbs. plus one POV at no expense.
Apr 27, 2018
Icanread We didn't ship a car. Cars are very cheap where we are, and the requirements to pass inspection here are really hard to get through.
Apr 28, 2018
haha On the DoD Teachers FB someone posted a link to this site which makes it seem like it is already something we do not really need to worry about:

Still worth keeping an eye on on though.
Apr 28, 2018
Icanread Oh!! Thanks for that. I must have missed it on the FB page. That puts me more at ease. Thanks for sharing!!
Apr 29, 2018

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