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I know this question has been asked before but don't want to look back 700 pages ; D

What is the process of referral to interview? Does the principal decide or does EAS through some strange algorithm?
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Slcjkl So, I was wondering about this, too. In the narrative section, is it bad to expand upon the information that you mentioned in the work experience section? I have extensive international experience and Peace Corps experience reflected in my work history, but I feel like I could expand on why/how it would serve me well for DODEA in the narrative port...See More
Oct 6, 2020
Slcjkl So, I was wondering about this, too. In the narrative section, is it bad to expand upon the information that you mentioned in the work experience section? I have extensive international experience and Peace Corps experience reflected in my work history, but I feel like I could expand on why/how it would serve me well for DODEA in the narrative port...See More
Oct 6, 2020
Slcjkl Apologies for the multiple submissions. I forgot that when you click "comment" nothing happens at all (at least not in my browser) so it doesn't reflect that any post has been made.
Oct 6, 2020
Icanread Absolutely you should sell yourself. The Peace Corps is great experience to add!
Oct 6, 2020
haha You should definitely try anything to stand out. That being said, I'm never sure how closely/whether the narrative gets read or is searchable. I guess if you get shortlisted then possibly a principal could dig deeper.
Oct 6, 2020

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