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Has anyone ever been told if they got the job DURING the interview? I've just had two interviews for Korea (science) and the first one ghosted me. I asked for feedback, but alas, I got nothing so I assumed nothing happened. Of course, school leaders are busy and aren't obligated to provide candidates with feedback. I just had my second, and I'm not even attempting to get my hopes up. It seemed okay, but I would like to know if its candidates are ever offered positions on the spot.

Thanks for all your helpful advice!
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Li Laoshi In the old the old days (15 years or so ago), we did get offers on the spot and were asked to verbally accept there and then. Building rapport and connecting was important, there was a very human side to the interview process, accomplishments and education were highly valued as well. Sadly, some abused this format and "connections" became key. Now ...See More
Dec 3, 2020
Li Laoshi In the old the old days (15 years or so ago), we did get offers on the spot and were asked to verbally accept there and then. Building rapport and connecting was important, there was a very human side to the interview process, accomplishments and education were highly valued as well. Sadly, some abused this format and "connections" became key. Now ...See More
Dec 3, 2020
Li Laoshi In the old the old days (15 years or so ago), we did get offers on the spot and were asked to verbally accept there and then. Building rapport and connecting was important, there was a very human side to the interview process, accomplishments and education were highly valued as well. Sadly, some abused this format and "connections" became key. Now ...See More
Dec 3, 2020
JAZZ Thanks for all the helpful advice. In response to a comment made earlier I am a bit naive in this process as I have only finished the application this past year and have already had tons of referrals. Your responses have helped me immensely. To that point, I assume candidates are ranked on certifications and years taught in that area or is there so...See More
Dec 4, 2020
HelpOthers @Jazz, As for ranking, consider how you answered the questions within the application. Make sure you were being truthful, but consider adding the experiences if you were unable to confirm them. HR ranks the applications and it must be based on what was put in the application itself. Then, the interviewers can choose who they want from a referral li...See More
Jun 12, 2021

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