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As a long time lurker, I know that a referral doesn't really mean a whole lot and that there are many on here who get referrals and never get interviews. I was just wondering how long after the referral should I finally give up on the idea of getting an interview, 10 days, 2 weeks, a month? I know it's government work and that usually means a longer than necessary wait but I would also like some closure as well.
haha A few days to a couple of weeks is fairly typical. But, never say never. For good or bad, we have seen/heard of people getting the call/email months after giving up hope on a referral turning into an interview.
May 5, 2022
IsItFriday? Wait as long as you want. Everyone is different. Some are more patient.

And some are more gullible.

Has a date ever stood you up? How long did you wait?

We are talking about a deeply, deeply impersonal process, in which the applicants are treated as numbers from the start to the end of the process.
May 6, 2022

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