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Do all three of the individuals who were emailed the professional evaluation need to have it submitted before administrators will be alerted of my application? I'm waiting for my principal to submit it and I feel like she is dragging her feet. I wasn't sure if it's absence affects my ability to get a referral.

Thank you
Liv_hopeful Yes, you need the professional evaluations to be completed by your chosen references. I would send your administrator a reminder email. Just state that you understand that she gets a lot of emails daily and you are just waiting on her to complete the form. Principals get tons of emails. I mean heck, teachers get tons of emails and the administrator...See More
Jan 3, 2023
Icanread No. You should be able to still get referrals.
Jan 4, 2023
lma324 No, your evaluations do not need to be done to get on referral lists. I had my references mail in my evals and ALL of them were "returned to sender" bc apparently the address to send them was wrong. I still got hired and not one eval was done. Good luck!
Feb 15, 2023
lma324 No, your evaluations do not need to be done to get on referral lists. I had my references mail in my evals and ALL of them were "returned to sender" bc apparently the address to send them was wrong. I still got hired and not one eval was done. Good luck!
Feb 15, 2023
lma324 No, your evaluations do not need to be done to get on referral lists. I had my references mail in my evals and ALL of them were "returned to sender" bc apparently the address to send them was wrong. I still got hired and not one eval was done. Good luck!
Feb 15, 2023

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