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How do I block ONE student from being able to take tests without a monitor password? One of my students is cheating on her tests, and I want to block testing for her. I can only find a way to block everybody in the class.

My school uses Renaissance Enterprise.
Tyler erhaps call Renaissance. I've only ever blocked the entire class. Too much work to try it for a small group of 1-5 students in my mind. Besides, don't you monitor the students on the computers? Ours is in a lab setting, so I would see the students in action and can take appropriate action then too.

On 10/17/09, Elizabeth wrote: > How d...See More
Oct 19, 2009
Tyler Another idea is to put that kid in a class by themself (remove from other class) and put the settings in the class with just the 1 student in it.

On 10/17/09, Elizabeth wrote: > How do I block ONE student from being able to take tests > without a monitor password? One of my students is cheating > on her tests, and I want to block...See More
Oct 19, 2009
Elizabeth Of course I monitor students as they test. However, I teach six groups of students per day, and I only see them for 45 minutes at a time. For the entire rest of the day the students have access to computers in each classroom and the library. They are not monitored as closely there. I cannot be everywhere.

In older versions of the program ...See More
Oct 21, 2009
Kyle I wonder why the Customer Assistance team at RLI will only talk to the school coordinator? I know several of our teachers call RLI and get support. (Sometimes I wish they wouldn't!) Just kidding.

On 10/21/09, Elizabeth wrote: > Of course I monitor students as they test. However, I teach six > groups of students per day, and I only s...See More
Oct 22, 2009
teach4 Out of curiostiy how is she cheating?
Nov 14, 2009

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