Accelerated Reader
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If you have a gripe with AR, that's fine and dandy. Gripe away.

However, this is a board to be used by people who want to learn more about the AR program and how to use it properly.

I really don't care when people show up with complaints, but be willing to work to correct it.

Don't argue with the people who know how to run the program. Deb ms/IA and Ima Teacher both have years of experience with the program and the proper training to help it work. They have both been willing to give FREE training tips. And Ima Teacher is even a certified trainer, and she gets PAID to go to schools and train staff.

Both know their stuff, and all they get here is grief. Arguing about how the program is supposed to be run with the people who know how to run it just makes you look ignorant. If your school paid for you to go to a training by Renaissance Learning, would you argue with their presenters, too? Would you rant and rave and call names and tell them that they do...See More
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Marie You are obviously a great dad who is concerned about his kids and active in their education, but it did sound like you were complaining that your son has to read at home. The teacher has to use some of the AR time to let the kids take the tests. They only take 5-10 minutes and no one takes one every day so most of the time is still for reading. The...See More
Jan 8, 2010
Fireman Dad On 1/08/10, Marie wrote: > You are obviously a great dad who is concerned about his kids and > active in their education, but it did sound like you were > complaining that your son has to read at home.

My only complaint about reading at home is that we are expected to read our regular 15 minutes at home plus any balance from schoo...See More
Jan 8, 2010
AR Fan If it looks like a whip, sounds like a whip, feels like a whip, then..... it's a whip.

On 1/08/10, Fireman Dad wrote: > > Ok, I now feel like innocent bystander is talking to me.
Jan 8, 2010
Fireman Dad Very profound

On 1/08/10, AR Fan wrote: > If it looks like a whip, sounds like a whip, feels like a whip, > then..... it's a whip. > > > On 1/08/10, Fireman Dad wrote: >> >> Ok, I now feel like innocent bystander is talking to me.
Jan 8, 2010
Marie Unless your son is only in 1st or 2nd grade(or maybe 3rd grade if he is not a very good reader, but you said he was), he should be reading more than .5 books every day. My advice is he'd be much better off reading a 2-3 point book every week or so. Divide the pages into the week so he makes his daily goal of so many pages in the book whether he rea...See More
Jan 9, 2010

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