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Ok, here is kinda how I see it...

If you take a drive through the woods in a scenic national park and drive at 50 mph, you are likely to see a lot of things. You will remember some overlooks, a cabin, a waterfall, a babbling little brook and maybe see a deer cross the road in front of you. If you drive at 25mph, it stands to reason you will notice things you missed driving at 50mph. Maybe a bear and her cub, the other 5 deer that you missed the first time, a picnic area that you didnt see, and another road that takes you to a historical site. The drive won't seem as rushed and its easier to focus on what you are seeing, thus understandably a more enjoyable ride. The more enjoyable the ride, the more likely you are to do it again. If you drive at 50 mph, it was more like you were just trying to get to the end and accumulate miles on your car instead of enjoying the ride. When people ask you about the ride, instead of saying we saw a deer, a waterfall and rode 50 miles, you coul...See More
Sounds Right to Me On 1/18/10, Fireman Dad wrote: > Ok, here is kinda how I see it... > > If you take a drive through the woods in a scenic national > park and drive at 50 mph, you are likely to see a lot of > things. You will remember some overlooks, a cabin, a > waterfall, a babbling little brook and maybe see a deer > cross the road in front o...See More
Jan 24, 2010

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