Accelerated Reader
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my third grader is just finishing up the year with about 270 points (he has been in this school since christmas, so only 2/3 or the year) is this about an acceptable level. He is a great reader and star tests indicate he is at the 9th grade reading level. He reads willingly and loves it. He said some kids in the class only have about 20 points for the whole year? He has a great teacher who seems very engaging and motivating.
YKW A third grader reading on a 9th grade level....clearly that's not "average". He's well above average in both level and point quantity. I don't have a good grasp on average myself, but would guess it's closer to 50 points per year for 3rd grade, maybe even less. Our school gave out a prize for the top reader in 6th and the point total was in your so...See More
May 30, 2010
Mark The Have Fun Teaching website has a free AR form for students and teachers to use.

Check out the Have Fun Teaching website
Jun 3, 2010
Oklahoma third grade On 6/03/10, Mark wrote: > The Have Fun Teaching website has a free AR form for students and > teachers to use. > > Check out the Have Fun Teaching website

In my 14 years of using Accelerated Reader, only one student earned 401 points during the school year. That was OUTSTANDING, so your student's accumulation is fantastic! I f...See More
Jun 17, 2010

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