Accelerated Reader
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Hello, my school has adopted AR and this is my first time using it. I only have one computer (!) with 34 students, so I'm not sure how I'm going to manage it. any ideas?
Ima Teacher I have two computers and anywhere from 20-32 students per class period. It's not been an issue. Students just watch to see when a computer is available and take a test. They don't really need an assistance, and usually no more than 4-5 students per day will test.
Oct 13, 2010
Cindy On 10/13/10, Ima Teacher wrote: > I have two computers and anywhere from 20-32 students per > class period. It's not been an issue. Students just watch > to see when a computer is available and take a test. They > don't really need an assistance, and usually no more than 4-5 > students per day will test.

What has worked at ...See More
Oct 21, 2010

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