Accelerated Reader
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My granddaughter is in first grade and her class uses AR. The teacher makes the students read the book 3 times before they can take the test. Is this a part of the AR program requirement or is this the teacher's requirement? My granddaughter does not want to read the same book 3 times; therefore, she shies away from the AR books and the program. It seems to me that there are too many wonderful books out there to have a child read each book 3 times.
Jack On 1/25/11, cannon wrote: > My granddaughter is in first grade and her class uses AR. > The teacher makes the students read the book 3 times before > they can take the test. Is this a part of the AR program > requirement or is this the teacher's requirement? My > granddaughter does not want to read the same book 3 times; > therefo...See More
Jan 25, 2011
Mark I suspect (as usual) that the teacher's actual instructions are being misunderstood; in this situation, the parent or guardian should talk with the teacher to determine what the actual instructions are.

There are certainly situations where makes sense to re-read a passage, story, or chapter multiple times, and it would make sense in some ...See More
Jan 26, 2011

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