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Could I get your opinions/info on schools such as
Kamehameha School, here in Hawaii? Also, are there any
American Indian schools that disallow other children of
other ethnicities to attend their school, so that they may
retain many cultura beliefs as well? Kamehameha School is a
private school, established by Hawaiian Queen Liliokolani
to be a school specifically for Hawaiian children. Students
with a minimal amount of Hawaiian ancestry may attend, but
all other races are not allowed in. There has been a legal
suit held by a caucasian family that wants the child to
attend. Is this racial discrimination - and should not be
tolerated, or should this private school be allowed to
maintain their policies, so that they can offer all
Hawaiian/partial Hawaiian children the opportunity to
develop their cultural awareness, in ways they are not able
to do in other schools? Thanks for your insights - Valerie

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