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I was recently called into the office by my principal.
She made clear to me that another principal from another
campus was upset at me. I worked a seminar that is for
new teachers. One of the teachers from this school asked
what my opinion was about the school. I simply stated
that ___________ middle school is a rough school, but if
you set high expectations and have good classroom
management then you will do fine. I even told him and the
girl that was listening that my school was rough. I went
on to say that I like at-risk students because they
are "real" and they know what life is about. Well the girl
that was listening quit on the first day when the students
came. The new teacher seminar was about a month ago, but
she blames me that I was the one that bad mouthed the
school she was at and she said i was the reason why she
quit. I do not know this girl from adam. Well my
principal wants me to apo...See More
anon /blockquote>

If you are expected to write an apology letter, then ask her
to detail in advance what she feels is the problem.
Legally, you may then have some recourse? If she feels
legally comfortable enough to substantiate her feelings in
writing, then you can address those points accordingly. But
to just write an a...See More
Aug 28, 2005
Jasmine /blockquote>

Well you should just tell your princible straight up that
you didnt do it explain to her that you didn't do it and
maybe she would understand.
Jan 10, 2006
josie /blockquote>

There is such a thing as employee loyalty and if your
principal is unwilling to defend you when you say what you
said was misunderstood, find a job elsewhere.
Apr 16, 2006
flyingdove /blockquote>

your in trouble cause you told the TRUTH? I am a new teacher
and appreciate the truth, as too many times I was lied to
abt things to expect or what the admins would do for me at
certian schools and ended up quitting myself cause it was
all LIES!
I would rather have a heads up before I invest time and
...See More
Aug 29, 2006

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