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AARGH, this is happening much more slowly than I had originally thought, but in NO way am I throwing in the towel!

Thinking that an increase in Internet activity would capture the attention of our leaders and cause them to SUFFICIENTLY fund our public schools, I put “E Cubed Alliance” up on Facebook. You needn’t write a thing, but realize that when all interested parties become fans, the formation of a solid voice will result, and it shall be OUR voice for our government officials to hear. When an Internet wildfire blazes across our great country, I do believe that our officials will get the message that we the people wish our taxpayer dollars to be invested in America’s public schools.


When our leaders make public education a priority, when America’s respect of public education returns, and when EVERYONE is focused on strengthening our public schools, GREAT things will happen for our America. Th...See More

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