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Tired of the one-sided news stories??

Vote for my show on Oprah's new network!

I sincerely believe our education system would be more helpful for students if there were a national media platform that supported positive, informative dialouge between parents, teachers, administrators and community partners!

Help me make it happen!! Vote as often as you can AND pass the link on....you don't even have to view the video to vote.

Support me as I support you!


Oprah Winfrey Network Auditions
Sally I tried to vote for you, but there are 13 Valeries-more info please.

On 5/31/10, Valerie Thompson wrote: > Tired of the one-sided news stories?? > > Vote for my show on Oprah's new network! > > I sincerely believe our education system would be more > helpful for students if there were a national media > platform that s...See More
Jun 21, 2010
Laurie Gabriel It is awesome that there are teachers out there trying to get our insight into the public consciousness. I too searched through all the Valeries and could not find one that was about teaching. Let me know if you find it and I will vote. I also have an audition up for voting at myown.oprah.com/audition/index.html? request=video_details&response_...See More
Jun 27, 2010

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