Building Blocks
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I may be teaching a k/1 combo class next year, and I'm
really struggling with organizing my schedule.

I will have Ks half a day from Mon-Thurs.

In a straight K, I would use literacy centres and Building
Blocks. In a straight 1, I would use Four Blocks. I
thought that I could modify both programs. I will work on
Building Blocks activities and book studies in the morning
while the Ks are there. There will also be about 30
minutes time for literacy centres. In the afternoons, I
can devote another hour to language arts. I was thinking
of doing 2 blocks with the first graders daily, and all
four blocks on Friday. This means that the first graders
will do each block only 3 times a week. Will my students
progress with this, or am I setting them up for problems?
Should I use another reading framework altogether?

I'm feeling a lot of angst over this, so any help would be
greatly appreciated...See More

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Language Arts

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