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I think my initial answer would usually be: not very important at all.

However, I have been playing around with this question for a little while now. If the energy in the classroom is high, and students are excited about what they are learning because it is: 1) fun, 2) interesting, 3) applicable to their own life in some way, 4) challenging, 5) thought- provoking, or any other reason, then they may likely say that they "like" the class. (Notice that I don't include 'easy' as a valid reason). If they like the class, then chances are that they will be motivated to learn more and do better in the class, which is what we all want, I would think. So, do we say that we want all students to like our class?

I submit this question because I have noticed so many teachers say that they don't give a darn whether or not their students like their class or not. Of course we don't plan our curriculum around the thoughts and emotions of the students (that would be a nightmare!), but...See More
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college is different To Donna I would say that you are in c ollege because you want to be ythere, whreeas many kids are in high school because they have no choice and some deeply resent it. It is important to make your class substantive,engaging, and relevant, and to project htat you like the kids and truly want to be there. If you don't do those things, some kids will...See More
Mar 9, 2011
History Teacher On 3/04/11, Donna Kosloff wrote:

Going with this thread, I posed that question. Someone says that what matters most is that students learn. Who could argue with that?

But that begs the question of what is it in our classes that fosters learning? Does having students 'like' our class foster their learning of the material, skills ...See More
Mar 11, 2011
Teri On 3/11/11, History Teacher wrote: > On 3/04/11, Donna Kosloff wrote: > > Going with this thread, I posed that question. Someone says that > what matters most is that students learn. Who could argue with > that? > > But that begs the question of what is it in our classes that > fosters learning? Does having students 'like' o...See More
Mar 11, 2011
Cindy Jeff,

I thought that your post was interesting because in my school the administration places a heavy value on how much students say they like a given class and / or teacher and I’ve been wondering lately if the correlation they find between liking a class and achievement are accurate. In my own teaching experience, students sometimes a...See More
Jul 30, 2011
Brian B I have to say that a student liking my class is important. I feel like it is especially important if you teach a course that has drier material because you have to keep the students motivated some way. Some classes and subjects lend themselves to students interest just because of the nature of the material. However, not all courses are going to be ...See More
Aug 2, 2011

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