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I teach Middle School and High School Spanish and have found that ironically elementary style charts can be utilized to track behavior. I have rowdy 8th graders and I have a large chart with their names posted in the front of the room. When someone is disruptive or breaks a class rule, I place a sad face sticker in his or her column. I don't stop the lesson or raise my voice, I simply do this instead. Also, if a student is participating or staying on task I will quietly add a smiley face sticker onto the chart. I add up all the sad faces and all of the sm iley faces at the end of the quarter in order to help to determine the student's participation grade. I have found that this works well. Because I am not stopping the lesson, there is not any negative reinforcement. Also, I take away any chance of argument because I post the sticker without changing my expression. The policy is non-negotiable. Also, you have concrete evidence to show to a parent if he or she calls regarding behavior.

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