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In my district, we are not allowed to report a quarterly grade of less than 50, no matter what grade the student earned for that quarter. I understand that this policy stems from a desire to not dishearten the student from trying to improve. The student may believe that he or she does not stand a chance to pass the course due to one or two failing quarterly grades and, therefore, would give up trying.

However, I have a serious problem giving a grade of 50 to a student that has not completed any work, a scenario that has unfortunately happened more than once. To my way of thinking, in order to earn a grade of 50 - a student would either have had to complete 50% of the work with grades of 100, or done 100% of the work, with grades of 50, or some combination of the two. Giving a grade of 50 to a student who has done NO work, bothers me. It also leads to grade inflation, with report card grades not reflecting what students actually earn.

I think that students should recei...See More
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Charlie the cow ast: We studied, did the work, took the tests, and accepted the grade we got. Now: Kids do a variety of things, and we deal more with parents than we do with the kids. Parents can reach us 24/7 demanding the moon. Kids aren't being held accountable for much of what they do. Kids get to retake tests, resubmit assignments, do extra credit work, and e...See More
Mar 6, 2011
Steve On 3/06/11, Michelle F. wrote:

I think grades cause far more problems than they solve. That said, you can really only judge something based on the data - otherwise all we're doing is kicking around our personal feelings and anecdotes. There's value in that in terms of venting but there's no research in it.

What does your district...See More
Mar 6, 2011
Jo What happens to your students once they are so far behind they will never pass the class? Do they remain in the class or are they moved to a different type of class?

On 3/06/11, Steve wrote: > On 3/06/11, Michelle F. wrote: > > I think grades cause far more problems than they solve. > That said, you can really only judge someth...See More
Mar 7, 2011
Donna Kosloff In our school, we assigned grades based on 1 as failing, 2 as reaching grade level, 3 grade level and 4 exceeding grade level work, therefore if the student has a 50 or less they get a 1 and the actual number is not published.

Donna K.

On 3/06/11, Michelle F. wrote: > In my district, we are not allowed to report a quarterly &g...See More
Mar 7, 2011
UrbanTeacher My high school does not have a policy. Some teachers will enter a 19 if a kid has a 19. I figure if they have a 19, there's no way they're passing, and so there's no incentive to improve, or even any possibility of meaningful improvement. So as my own personal policy, I elevate all failing grades in the 1st quarter to a 60. That way, they can still...See More
Mar 9, 2011

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