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My name is Tiana and I am a secondary education student. My plan is to teach high school biology. I am hoping someone here can help me. I am currently taking a classroom management class and I have to interview a teacher about classroom management strategies. One of my son's teachers had agreed to do this but I have been trying to get in touch with him for weeks and am not getting a response, and now time is running out, I only have a few days before this is due. Anyway, I did a google search and found this message board and am hoping you can help me. If you could answer these questions for me that would be great, please include what grade you teach. Thanks! :)

1. From the beginning of the school year, how do you establish your classroom climate or classroom control?

2. How do you deal with a confrontational student?

3. How do you (or do you) adjust your grading for students with family problems?

4. At what point do you send a student...See More
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Zodea Hi Tiana, Teri did an excellent job answering your questions. I would just like to add a couple of things.

As a science teacher, you will need to keep control of students during laboratory activities. I find the best way to do this is to have things very organized when the students arrive. I'm not saying you should do things for your stude...See More
Mar 26, 2011
Tiana Hartley Thank you! You have both given me some very useful information and have been a great help. :)

On 3/26/11, Zodea wrote: > Hi Tiana, Teri did an excellent job answering your questions. I > would just like to add a couple of things. > > As a science teacher, you will need to keep control of students > during laboratory activiti...See More
Mar 27, 2011
marjoryt I teach developmental, freshman, and sophomore English classes in a community college. The courses include classroom, hybrid, and online environments. > 1. From the beginning of the school year, how do you > establish your classroom climate or classroom control? I get the students immediately on graded assignments directly related to classroo...See More
Mar 30, 2011
Lynde I'd like to add my two cents here as well.

1. Establishing classroom climate/control.

I rely on a) walk the classroom--slowly, deliberately, firmly, with a pleasant smile, a word here a word there. The kids feel protected, cocooned, and definitely a position # 2 (I"M position #1). and b) I use humor with misbehavior. I do the "sha...See More
Mar 31, 2011
Ben It might be too late for your project, but I'll answer as best as I can:

1. Before the 1st day, I get the kids' names and make a seating chart alphabetically. Then I tape name cards to all the desks. On the first day, all I have to do is say "seats are alphabetical" and the kids can find their assigned desk. On the first day of school, mos...See More
May 16, 2011

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