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I have a funny way of controlling potty mouth in my classroom, and it works like a charm. At the beginning of each school year I tell each of my classes one of the most important rule of my classroom which is.. they are not allowed to ever use those nasty words which are the H word, S word, and the other S word. The students quickly and aloud try to figure out what those words are, they say some inappropriate words and with I act in shock and disgusted and say no that's not that one that I'm thinking of, but that one is not allowed either. They go crazy trying to figure the words out and get the others out of their system as well and eventually discover that I am referring to the words "HATE", "Stupid" and "Shut up". They laugh and are astonished that those are bad words in my classroom and quickly elevate respect for me and my room since they know I won't tolerate those words and as far as the others...,forget about it. They are quick to turn each other in if someone uses the "bad wor...See More
CA Teacher Sounds great, Shirley. Reminds me of what I do with high schoolers who (on rare occasions) might blurt the "F" word out. If I think that this is better defused than met head on, I'll sometimes say (with a twinkle and a smile), "No worries. I'm sure you spelled it with a 'ph'."

On 11/05/11, Shirley wrote: > I have a funny way of controll...See More
Nov 6, 2011
Shirley I like your way as well! I work with high schoolers too, I'll use your line if I have a blurt out of that sort! > >> > > On 11/06/11, CA Teacher wrote: > Sounds great, Shirley. Reminds me of what I do with high > schoolers who (on rare occasions) might blurt the "F" word > out. If I think that this is better defused than me...See More
Nov 6, 2011

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