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I have a child in my class that does not listen at all. This child will not sit at carpet, gets in front of the other children so they can not see. The child wants to be chased around the classroom and will run when you are trying to get something away or talk. At center time the child does not stay at one center for longer than 5 minutes if that. During this time the child will go around the room taking toys away from other children trying to get them to chase her. The child hits, kicks, scratches and bites children and teachers. At nap time the child can not sit still long enough to take a nap and it keeps the other children awake. We have been informed that we are not allowed to restrain the child, which leaves us clueless on what to do next. The child has behavioral problems and nothing has helped. Looking for any kind of advice or help.
Sara On 12/17/11, angela wrote: > I have a child in my class that does not listen at all. > This child will not sit at carpet, gets in front of the > other children so they can not see. The child wants to be > chased around the classroom and will run when you are trying > to get something away or talk. At center time the child > does n...See More
Dec 20, 2011
Leah Good advice. > Are the parents able to get the child to settle down at the dinner table? Does the child > hit, kick, scratch and bite at home?

You need much more information about what happens at home. Who lives in her home? What negative behaviors does she exhibit there? What happens then? The following guidelines could be very help...See More
Dec 23, 2011
AM Sounds to me like a 3-4 year old who needs to be outside running and swinging and playing and developing as a 3-4 year old should. There is plenty of time to sit still.
Dec 30, 2011

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