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To those of you who have experienced the most challenging of behavior problems, the following excerpt from an article "Remedial Civility Training," by Thomas Benton, from The Chronicle of Higher Education, may reassure you that you are not alone, and that the behavior is not your fault. If you have not been subjected to this behavior, consider yourself fortunate. Benton writes:

"I am sometimes sent to observe new high-school teachers and am usually shocked by what I see. Those teachers -- bright, idealistic, hopeful -- are sometimes treated with such open rudeness that it seems as if they have become objects of ritual abuse -- scapegoats for undisciplined adolescent rage. It doesn't surprise me that attrition rates for teachers are so high: teaching requires a kind of moral strength that few possess without many years of training.

For all my grumbling, I lead a charmed life compared to the average high-school teacher. And I feel deeply sorry that some of our graduates...See More

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