Classroom Mgmt
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I teach at the college level, deliver technology trainings to K-12 teachers, and volunteer regularly as an assistant in elementary school math classes. I see similar classroom management issues in all three environments. The problem I have, is although the behaviors are similar, strategies to address the behaviors have to be different. My adult learners cannot be treated like poorly behaved students, even if they are (often they are acting exactly like their own students act). College students think they are adults, and want to be treated as such - even if they aren't acting like it. I found this article:

Murphy, K. (2010). Is my teaching disturbing you? Strategies for addressing disruptive behaviors in the college classroom. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 81(6), 33-44.

that nicely address much of the bad behaviors I see in a college classroom. The primary idea was to address classroom behavior in three phases, essentially before, during and af...See More
Jen C. am,

I also deliver technology trainings for adults and I think that it is very interesting that you see similar classroom management issues in all three of your environments. You can’t treat an adult learner like a child (even when they are behaving like one) so addressing bad behavior can be a tricky subject. A lot of the bad behavior t...See More
Sep 24, 2014
Josh H. Jen and Pam,

I often find myself teaching workshops to professors and sometimes I think professors make the worst students. Sometimes they also make the best students. I think what you were talking about with managing expectations and setting rules is a good tip. I think you need to pick which rules you strictly follow and which you can le...See More
Sep 24, 2014
Jen C. Hi Josh, I like your idea for suggesting a talk after class. I usually try to politely remind them that there is a lot of information to cover in a short time frame so we need to move on. I agree that it hard because you don’t want to discourage someone who is eager to talk about the material but you also don’t want one person taking over the d...See More
Sep 25, 2014

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