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I'm thinking of setting up a classroom web site that I can update everyday with homework, school information, etc. I am looking for an easy, free web site. Any suggestions??? I would like something really easy and simple to use. Thanks
Leslie [link removed]

On 8/26/09, gr. 7 teacher wrote: > I'm thinking of setting up a classroom web site that I can > update everyday with homework, school information, etc. I > am looking for an easy, free web site. Any suggestions??? > I would like something really easy and simple to use. Thanks
Aug 28, 2009
gr. 7 teacher Thanks, I will give it a try. On 8/28/09, Leslie wrote: > [link removed]
Aug 29, 2009
tcd2 On 8/26/09, gr. 7 teacher wrote: > I'm thinking of setting up a classroom web site that I can > update everyday with homework, school information, etc. I > am looking for an easy, free web site. Any suggestions??? > I would like something really easy and simple to use. Thanks

Try creating a web site using a WIKI; simple to navi...See More
Sep 4, 2009
Cybrary Man I agree with the previous poster who recommended School Notes. It is easy to use and it is a good starting website. Eventually you can go on to a more sophisticated type of website.

I remember years ago I used School Notes.
Sep 10, 2009
Evan Two easy sites:

[link removed])

[link removed])
Oct 2, 2009

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