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Can anyone provide me a good website or maybe even just a good lesson plan for first graders? This is my first time making a lesson plan for an actual class. The first graders are working on learning how to type correctly, typing sentences, using the space bar and enter key, etc. So if anyone can give me a fun lesson that incorporates these things that would be great!! thank you!!
East End Long Islander Right now, our computer teacher is taking 3 weeks (one half hour session each week) to have the kids make a Valentine's Day letter using MaxWrite (a spin-off from MS Word) ... putting on a border learning how to select from buttons how to pick a font and size it, adding clipart, using the spellcheck after they copy a sentence from a SmartBoard or f...See More
Jan 24, 2010
Mia On 1/24/10, East End Long Islander wrote: > Right now, our computer teacher is taking 3 weeks (one half > hour session each week) to have the kids make a Valentine's > Day letter using MaxWrite (a spin-off from MS Word) ... > putting on a border learning how to select from buttons how > to pick a font and size it, adding clipart, usi...See More
Jan 25, 2010
Leslie I use KidPix with my primary students. Last week I had them tell me about a story they read in their reading book. Then, I had them draw/color a picture of their favorite part of that story and type two-three sentences tellilng about the picture. We spent a couple class periods previously learning about the space bar, changing font size and color, ...See More
Jan 27, 2010

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