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I have 2007 Vista at home with it's 'ribbon' interface and my entire, huge district works with 2001 and 2003 (which I think are way better). What are your schools using? Also, is there anyone who never used any versions of this application other than 2007. Your perspective is welcome.
CTJS I teach at the elementary level. We are phasing in Office 2007 throughout our K-8 district. I currently have Office 2003 but it is supposed to be upgraded before the end of the year.

I do not think that the ribbon interface is going away. I think at the high school level it would be useful for students to learn the current version of Micro...See More
Jan 28, 2010
2007 Our district just upgraded to 2007 this school year. Previously, there was a mix of 97 and 2003 all over the place.

On 1/27/10, MM wrote: > I have 2007 Vista at home with it's 'ribbon' interface and > my entire, huge district works with 2001 and 2003 (which I > think are way better). What are your schools using? Also, > is ther...See More
Jan 28, 2010

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