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Hi, all, My company, Concord Evaluation Group (CEG) is working with WGBH-Boston (the PBS station in Boston) on an important survey to gather feedback from high school teachers, female high school students, and career counselors about the attitudes towards and understanding of certain careers.

Your input will help evaluate the effectiveness of an ongoing initiative designed to help young women explore new and exciting career options. All responses are anonymous and will be kept private.

We welcome your participation! Each month we will randomly choose one person who completes the survey to win $100.

The survey will take about 20 minutes and you may only respond once. Please feel free to forward / post this message to female students, other counselors, or engineers you know who might be interested. Thanks for your help!

If you are a female high school student, click here: [link removed]

If you are a career counselor or high school teacher, cli...See More

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