Creative Writing
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I have taught writing for years and years. I have used many different methods and ideas, and this year, nothing was really working for my guys.

I am also the 2-3 EL teacher, and have been trying to get that little group up to par on their writing.

Spending lots of time thinking about my writing program and the results. Not a lot of success, and lots of frustration on my part.

I realized, I don't think my kids really understand Topic sentences and Conclusion sentences, and how they relate. They are amazing on details, but the organization and form of a paragraph just wasn't being demonstrated.

I am so pleased with the results. I still have students who aren't indenting, or are indenting the whole paragraph, but it is just a few. Many of my students are taking the format and doing multiparagraph writing and I am just happy.

Ralph Fletcher said if you don't teach writing daily, you might as well not teach writing. I am seeing the results of th...See More
thanks for the reminder of tried and true for organization!

>this year, nothing was > really working for my guys. > > Spending lots of time thinking about my writing program and > the results. Not a lot of success, and lots of frustration > on my part. > > I realized, I don't think my kids really understand Topic > sent...See More
Jun 11, 2011
muse what grade level do you teach? I saw the 2-3 ESL. Do yoyu teach 2nd and 3rd?

I am always disappointed when I teach writing. I feel that they should know how to do specific things before they come to 9th grade (use a dictionary, write a complete sentence, use their/there correcctly, indent a paragraph, topic sentence, unity, coherency). I r...See More
Jun 13, 2011
mary I am not a good writer myself and found this to be hard for me to teach. Now, mechanics was not a problem for me to teach but be creative was where I had a problem. I found it hard to help students with ideals for their writing. Now I could take a simple sentence and turn it into a complex sentence but coming up with 5 paragraphs was not always eas...See More
Jun 13, 2011

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