Creative Writing
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I do teach K, where they are learning the very basics of HOW to write a sentence, how to read, and lots of words, words, words!

Some themes lend to more creativity than others. Take PIRATES, for example. Taught from a basic, sort of historical perspective, my kids have learned that pirates were bad people who never bathed, didn't brush their teeth, hid their treasure, sailed on ships (learned names of parts of a ship!), couldn't read too well, but could read and draw a map, could use a compass, and knew directions (as do my kids).

Through some really good children's books, they also learned that pirates "talk funny". One great book is called "The Pirates Guide to First Grade". Practically the entire book is written in "pirate". As I was reading, I was constantly interrupted by children asking me, "What is THAT?" or "What does THAT mean?", so we would back up, re- read, use picture cues, until they figured it out. They really liked the book!

So today, for our ...See More

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