If you are a principal or administrator, guidance counselor, mental health worker, student health services worker, teacher, or special education professional at a public high school in the United States, we could use your help in this project. Please note that your involvement is completely voluntary. Should you choose to participate, we would kindly ask that you complete the survey by clicking here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FKYX8N3. It should take no more than thirty minutes, and your responses will be kept anonymous.
Any questions may be directed to myself by sending an email to smithd198@potsdam.edu. Dr. Crow can also be reached for correspondence via email to crowbm@potsdam.edu or by phone at (315) 267-2124. Thank you very much for your time and your consideration.
1. Add your classes to Jot. Invite students and teachers to collaborate with! 2. Add Notes, Assignments, Tasks and Grades. 3. Add video notes from YouTube or upload your own to Jot. 4. Post in "class boards", chat with other students/teachers one on one or create chat groups for project work. 5. All your assignments, class times, exams etc are added to your Jot calendar that is sync'ed to your device calendars. 6. State of the art mobile apps (phone and tablet) that bring information to you via smart notifications.
Principal Todd Nelson shares his all-time favorite back-to-school charge to the faculty, written by Jonathan Slater, a school head with whom Todd worked "a while back."
“It is my annual duty to remind you...” Slater begins. (Click below to read the rest, a message all educators should hear!)
You are about to be exposed to a highly dangerous and contagious phrase. These words, when used together in a sentence, can be toxic to others, and cause damage that can take years to repair.....
Hi all, we have asked to revamp our criteria for the honor roll and academic awards. I am curious to know how does your school do it. We have outcome-based report cards in the primary department so we don't use percentage grades. Thanks in advance
You are invited to participate in a study about communicating the benefits of play based learning to families of students. I am looking to see how early childhood centers communicate the benefits of play based learning with families. I will be looking at various schools based in different philosophies and will be analyzing the similarities and differences based on the survey responses. The study entails a short open-ended survey that will only take a few minutes to complete. All questions were designed to explore communication patterns within the early childhood school at which you are employed. By completing the survey you are consenting to be a participant. All participant information will be coded in order to keep confidentiality. Participants may withdraw at any time without question. All data will be disposed of after completion of the study.
Thank you for taking the time to participate, it will serve as a great aid to my master’s research. The survey can be found by following the link https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FLK5KDL.
To thank you for your participation you will be entered in a drawing to win a free book for your classroom!
Please email nicole.eckert@wagner.edu after the completion of the study for a chance in the book raffle.
Your participation is greatly appreciated! If you have any questions feel free to contact me at nicole.eckert@wagner.edu. I look forward to working with you. Thank you, Nicole Eckert