Classroom Discipline
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I feel silly for posting this thread, but I think it's something I need to improve on.)

I teach Spanish at a public high school. There seems to be one or two students who come in during the passing period to ask to use the restroom or to get something from their locker. Inside of me I don't want to let them go and that they shouldn't be coming to me to ask if they "can" go. They should be managing their time. Also, I don't like to let students go to the restroom, etc., during the first part or the last part of class. How do you handle these students?

Here's my second, and most important concern: I don't think I've very clear with my students when I answer their request to not be marked tardy for going to the bathroom or go to their locker. When they pop the question, I might tell them, "No, wait 10 or more minutes before asking me." Sometimes, I give in because I feel like it's really legitime. I know there are teachers that forget to let kids go to the bathroom becau...See More
Phillip I have seen that when kids do that, they want to putz around and come to class late. That is why i do not allow kids to go to the bathroom within the first 30 minutes of class. Furthermore if you want to remedy this, all you need to do is make an announcement about your tardy policy. Mine is late=detention. So let the ones know that they can go to ...See More
Oct 24, 2010
Elena Hi Daniel,

It's great meeting you on this board!

I have also had this problem continuously over the years. Like you, I mostly teach 9th graders. I don't let students use the restroom at the beginning of the period and tell them it inteferes with my taking attendance. They accept that. Two years ago, I found myself constantly inter...See More
Oct 26, 2010

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