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I am a new teacher and this year I have a student with just an overall bad attitude. He throws insults at his classmates and is very defiant. I understand that my role as a teacher is to guide the students and ensure that they are learning the material, but would I be over-idealistic to believe that my role may also be to help shape these students into better citizens? I don't want to overstep my boundaries as a teacher, but even though I can manage this student in my class, I am afraid of who he will become when he is outside of the school's walls in a couple of years.

Any suggestions you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Tom I firmly believe our role as teachers SHOULD BE to help guide the intellectual, personal, and social development of each student -- all through interaction with the subject matter, their peers, and ourselves. How we deal with them ... and help them deal with themselves and each other can make all the difference.

Our country (and much of t...See More
Dec 1, 2010
Prof. Howard Seeman On 12/01/10, Mr. M wrote: > I am a new teacher and this year I have a student with just > an overall bad attitude. He throws insults at his > classmates and is very defiant. I understand that my role > as a teacher is to guide the students and ensure that they > are learning the material, but would I be over-idealistic > to believ...See More
Dec 3, 2010
Prof. Howard Seeman On 12/01/10, Mr. M wrote: > I am a new teacher and this year I have a student with just > an overall bad attitude. He throws insults at his > classmates and is very defiant. I understand that my role > as a teacher is to guide the students and ensure that they > are learning the material, but would I be over-idealistic > to believ...See More
Dec 5, 2010
c I am going completely off the beam here and completely agree with Tom on this one. It is our responsibility to help shape every student into a productive member of society, and teaching social skills is an extremely important part of our job.

However, I am not going to give you suggestions. If he is doing well in your class, you are alrea...See More
Dec 5, 2010
Leah I totally agree with c and Tom. You don't say how old the student is, but taking an interest in him as a person could be helpful. Privately you might say something like, "I see good in you. You are too special a person to insult your classmates and be defiant to teachers." Then listen. You might find the following article of interest:
Jan 23, 2011

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