Classroom Discipline
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Does anyone have any advice for me in regards to student discipline and paraprofessionals? I teach 4K and have one full time paraprofessional in my room. She is really good, except for a few things. I don't agree with how she "barks" at the students and my biggest pet peeve is when she starts her sentences with, "You need to.....". She likes to be very controlling, and our ways of disciplining are totally different. We have already sat down as a staff and even went as far as to make a list of teacher's aide expectations. We as a staff feel it is very important to all be on the same page when dealing with students. Myself and the other 4K teacher believe in positive disciplining techniques with a quiet, calm voice. I have talked with my paraprofessional on several occasions but she still continues to bark at the students. She is very hard working and sweet in so many other ways, I just don't like how she talks to the students sometimes. When I do bring things up to her she ends up cryin...See More
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Angie K. Thanks, Stephen! And yes, the Serenity Prayer - definitely words to live by for sure... And she is a great person in so many other ways. Things could always be worse! :) I appreciate your input! :)


On 2/24/11, Stephen Marion wrote: > On 2/23/11, Angie K. wrote: >> Does anyone have any advice for me in regards to s...See More
Feb 24, 2011
Angie K. Hi Sara, Her barking is more in response to trying to correct a child's behavior. Sometimes I think she does this unfortunately because she doesn't have a lot of control over things in her own home. She bends over backwards for her family with not a lot of help in return. The classroom is where she feels the most in control. I really don't think sh...See More
Feb 24, 2011
Angie K. Hi Cody, I do continue to give her direction (both myself and the other 4K teacher), and I think she cries sometimes because she feels like we are "ganging" up on her. And it isn't that we are attacking her personally, we just have certain expectations from both our paras. She is very strong-willed about certain things and likes routine. That being...See More
Feb 24, 2011
Steve On 2/24/11, Angie K. wrote: > Hi Sara, Her barking is more in response to trying to correct a > child's behavior. Sometimes I think she does this unfortunately > because she doesn't have a lot of control over things in her own > home. She bends over backwards for her family with not a lot of > help in return. The classroom is where s...See More
Feb 24, 2011
Leah I agree with the advice Sara gave. I think quiet signals can be very effective. It can't hurt to try this:

> If she's still 'barking' everytime she needs to correct a > child, that's another. With students I develop a quiet > signal - with Johnny for when he calls out, I tap a finger to > my forehead. Only Johnny and I know th...See More
Mar 7, 2011

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