Classroom Discipline
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This was a thread from the High School chatboard that I wanted to get your guys' feedback on as well. I teach in a public high school in California.

As for calling parents during the middle of class, I know at least one teacher at my school that has done that. I did it a few times during my first years of teaching, but not much since then. It was very effective the time I didn't in my last period of the day a few years back. The students just loved to chat in there. I called one girl's mom at work and handed the phone to the student after a quick explanation, and the girl got real quiet as did the class. She didn't have so much attitude. But I was inconsistent about it. It seems like some classes come along and just want to push the envelop. I also remember having one girl talking during a test. I called up the mom and had their girl talk to her. Well, the girl started arguing with the mom on the phone in front of the class and that didn't work. So, I kicked her out of class. ...See More
Joe/HS/CT I have called parents during class before, but usually I bring the student to a nearby (empty) classroom or office and do it there. Most of my students with behavioral problems are in my class that I co-teach with a special education teacher, so it is not difficult for one of us to leave the room for a few minutes to do this. A lot of my parent com...See More
May 21, 2011
Ben If it works for you, fine, but I wouldn't do it myself, for several reasons.

1. The parents would rightfuly be angry with me. She could say "my daughter disturbed your class? Well you disturbed my job!" I also feel that as soon as the parent is gone or off the phone, the kid will act up again. When the kids are in my class, it's my problem...See More
May 24, 2011

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