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I am a substitute teacher (many years experience) who is too nice. Some people just have a certain aura about them and command respect whether it's out of fear or whatever. Although the kids really seem to like me they don't listen to me. I come across qas too nice.....they are not afraid of me and don't respect me. I can't change my personality. What can I do? One of the things that is very frustrating is the constant talking. I ask them to stop, I "shush" them constantly but to no avail. It's frustrating, humiliating and maddening! I can't be an Army drill sergeant....what can I do?
Sara On 11/05/12, Substitute Teacher wrote:

Practice making faces in the mirror - no kidding. Practice an angry face - you need to learn to fake anger that you're too nice to feel. With little ones, you need to fake a shocked face - little ones are usually quite easy to scare.

For older ones when I sub - and I'm nice by nature too - I...See More
Nov 5, 2012
Substitute Teacher Thank you, Sara.

On 11/05/12, Sara wrote: > On 11/05/12, Substitute Teacher wrote: > > Practice making faces in the mirror - no kidding. Practice an > angry face - you need to learn to fake anger that you're too > nice to feel. With little ones, you need to fake a shocked > face - little ones are usually quite easy to sca...See More
Nov 9, 2012

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