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I teach 4-year-old Kindergarten. I have a few boys in my class that are more rowdy than the rest. Where is the line of letting boys be boys and using verbal prompts/disciplining? It is the same group of boys that play cops and robbers, hide-and-seek, firemen, and anything else that they can think of which in turns make them more rambunctious, loud, etc. I find myself asking them to quiet down a couple times, and then think to myself...are they out of control? are they hurting anyone? are they playing together?
Fonda L I struggle with that too! I have 2nd graders, so it isn't so much in the classroom, but out on the playground. I love many of the creative games that the boys and girls (mostly boys) make up and play without any toys just their imaginations. It seems that many of the games involve some sort of physical play; running, tagging, tackling, etc. What an...See More
Feb 20, 2014
Jenn S. I think there is a lot of research happening regarding play and especially as it pertains to the different sexes. Many studies suggest that boys and girls learn differently, so might not that pertain to play as well? If anyone has read about any gender studies regarding play I would love some suggestions.

2/20/14, Fonda L wrote: > I str...See More
Feb 22, 2014
Sara On 2/22/14, Jenn S. wrote:

All very interesting thoughts and I'd agree - over the years I have every year some boys (I'm sorry to say it's boys but it is!) who lean toward heavy physical play with each other. I also always have a group of boys who are 'sciency' and pretend space ships are coming whose play never leads to trouble. But the ...See More
Feb 25, 2014

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