Disruptive Students
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My 3 year old got hit in the classroom by another child twice in a month. This time she was struck on the nose. The school report indicates that my child did nothing to provoke this violence.

My girl told me that it was the same child who hit her. This child hit other children. My child is now afraid of being hit again by this child.

From what I know, it is one special need child, and not a general class room discipline problem.

I am supportive of integration of children with special need. But there must be boundaries and safeguards for everyone.


1) How many times in a month does my child have to be hit by the same child before it becomes unacceptable?

2) What kind of action plan for integration of special needs children actually works in the classroom?

Advice most welcomed on this very real and vexing problem... Many thanks.
Bitsy You MUST stand eyeball to eyeball with the principal on this. If your child is harmed again start LEGAL PROCEEDINGS against the school.

You will see some QUICK ACTION once they have a summons or query about the matter from a lawyer. Believe it!!

On 3/25/13, richard wrote:

> My 3 year old got hit in the classroom by ano...See More
Jun 26, 2014

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