Disruptive Students
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I am currently student teaching in a Kindergarten class. I have this sweet little boy who has started to misbehave. It started as him following me around Th.e room, i'd tell him to go sit down and he'd keep following me. I think he "liked" me and wanted the attention. I would get on him for not listening but the more I got on him the more he acted out. He was never mean or anything like that and I know he just wants attention because I am sure he does not get it at home. I have started trying to ignore him when he acts out because he wants to get in trouble, because he is getting that attention he wants. The ignoring him is still not working and it is causing him and the rest of my students to not learn as well because he interrupts so much. Just today I had my students outside playing and as we were walking into the school he ran off and would not come inside, which really a safety hazard (my teacher was in a meeting so she will talk to him about this in the morning). I have talked to...See More
food for thought Why are you parent bashing? How do you know what this child is or is not getting at home? Do you think good, loving parents do not have children with a variety of personalities? Children are not all alike. Some are independent and some are needy. And, as a teacher, it is not your job to "love on him" and then ignore him because he is foll...See More
yesterday, 2015

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