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I am finishing up my Master's degree in educational technology in Arizona and am taking classes that are training me to teach online. I will also have a computer science endorsement on my certificate. I am very interested in online learning and teaching. However, where are all of the online teaching positions? I am very interested, yet they seem to be very elusive. Does anyone have any idea where I might try looking? Thanks.
bernoulli On 1/19/09, Current Teacher wrote: > I am finishing up my Master's degree in educational > technology in Arizona and am taking classes that are > training me to teach online. I will also have a computer > science endorsement on my certificate. I am very interested > in online learning and teaching. However, where are all of > the ...See More
Jan 25, 2009
marjoryt you should also investigate: 1) companies that provide the technology to the colleges, universities, and businesses that use it. For example, Blackboard, Wimba, Desire2Learn, Camtasia. 2) Investigate the state boards of education, who may have offices to teach the teachers, instructors, and staff across the state. For example, here in Mississippi, ...See More
Jan 26, 2009
online teaching Thanks for all of the useful information On 1/26/09, marjoryt wrote: > you should also investigate: > 1) companies that provide the technology to the colleges, > universities, and businesses that use it. For example, > Blackboard, Wimba, Desire2Learn, Camtasia. > 2) Investigate the state boards of education, who may have > offices...See More
Feb 4, 2009
job resources [link removed]
Mar 7, 2009

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