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Hello all,

For the past three years I taught 6-8th grade but this year I am moving to ESL for 6-8th grade. I'll be pulling out and pushing in. My School district only spent 1 day on PD for the Common Core and I missed it for personal reasons. I have a few questions.

1. How are you changing your lesson plan template to reflect the Common Core?

2. How can I prepare for addressing the Common Core in my teaching. Part of the time I am pushing in and addressing the regular literacy curriculum and the other part of the time I am doing my own ELL interventions.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!
The Troll is OWNED Hi Anne, there used to be a lot of information about this over on LJ but the Mackorello troll ruined that place. If you have the time a patience to sift through all of it's endless troll droppings, I am pretty sure you will find what you are looking for over there, however.
Jul 16, 2012
Mackorello On 7/16/12, The Troll is OWNED wrote:

> Hi Anne, there used to be a lot of information about this over

> on LJ but the Mackorello troll ruined that place. If you have

> the time a patience to sift through all of it's endless troll

> droppings, I am pretty sure you will find what you are looking
<...See More
Nov 8, 2013
Japan Expert This "troll is owned" character above is a typically troubled Japan gaijin expat.

It's the same, tired, worn-out story - got married to some cute J-girl, got her pregnant, had a kid, didn't learn the language, got stuck at NOVA, tried to break out his chains but was too useless to do it, marriage went down the pan, wife left him ...See More
Feb 5, 2015

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