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Hello, I have to choose new textbooks, levels 1-4. We used Vista Central last year. What do you think of Bien Dit or Discovering French? We are going to use TPRS in the lessons. Since I have so many levels to teach, I would like a system that provides workbook, assessments, etc. Also, what do you think of materials for levels 3 and 4? I was thinking of a supplementary grammar book and readings. Any ideas for these levels? Merci d'avance.
Kim So, did you use the D'Accord series and didn't like it? I've used D'Accord 1-3 and the new Themes for AP and have loved them and the on-line exercises were very useful to me. Sorry that I can't answer your questions about Bien Dit or Discovering French. I used C'est A Toi when I first started teaching and I didn't like it.

On 7/23/16, mary...See More
Jul 23, 2016
Anne I use DF because that's what my school had bought 11 years ago when I first started. The first few years I used the book, now I only use the extra that come with the book. The DVD are pretty outdated but the kids love Pierre's faces in the level 2 serie. I also use all of the speaking and listening practices, quizzes and tests. I only use them as p...See More
Jul 23, 2016
Jarod I have taught from both Discovering French and Bien Dit. While I personally hate both series, I prefer DF of the two. Bien Dit has a somewhat random way of presenting key grammar. It also has very poor selection of listening activities. The video series is much better than Discovering French.

When I was teaching from Bien Dit, I supplemen...See More
Jul 26, 2016

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