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Teachers need to stop glorifying themselves, their careers and tenure at schools. Focus on the children ONLY for a change, and run clean, proper and structured programs. There are too many bad apples among us now who spoil this profession for the young minds coming into teaching. Its not me, myself and i..whatever happened to the greater good, community and the next generation?? Most children enjoy school and education, so please stop all the verbatim that this teaching career path is flooded with people. Are you so insecure and simple minded to understand that you are and have been hurting people instead of helping them? Your leisure time should be secondary to this humble once profession..So please stop talking about yourself, your golf game, entertainment, shopping and time off. I can tell you all that retirement will come soon enough...albeit to a lake house or an old age home.
Granjero I can tell that you have had some very negative experiences and it does feel good to vent. I think that quite often, teachers would LOVE the opportunity to just focus on the children only and run clean, proper and structured programs (to Oxford or not to Oxford?). However, and I can only speak for myself, a substantial amount of the time I have in ...See More
Dec 10, 2014
Leslie Very well said and i'll try and be brief, so not as to appear to paint us all with the same brush :).I really think if we keep things professional and engaging for our students we will at least bridge the problem area gap. We as educators are sometimes influenced by others externally,and this can be both good and not so good.In displaying a positiv...See More
Dec 22, 2014
Madge II've been accused of being nosey before but nothing quite like this?? Some of us do have a bad habit of drifting out of our lanes from time to time, but that's not the majority. In general I think we all mean well for our students growth, so it's really not fair to generalize when making blanket statements.

On 12/22/14, Leslie wrote: >...See More
Jan 3, 2015

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