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the libraries of Johnson County are celebrating literature. Huge bookmarks created by the country's outstanding artists will be displayed this summer. We are a city of literature and sooo proud.
MaryB.............. Hope to do that this summer, treetoad My son and DIL live there and haven't seen them since last summer, when they came home for his 20th reunion. They were to be here for Christmas, but because of the awful weather near Des Moines, they cancelled out on us. I also have a good friend in Coralville, who I last saw last summer (here in S. City) at her MIL's funeral. Looking forward to pa...See More
Jun 1, 2011
MaryB/IA.......... oops, forgot email On 6/01/11, MaryB.............. Hope to do that this summer, treetoad wrote: > My son and DIL live there and haven't seen them since last > summer, when they came home for his 20th reunion. They were > to be here for Christmas, but because of the awful weather > near Des Moines, they cancelled out on us. I also have a good > friend i...See More
Jun 1, 2011

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