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I wrote this motivational story. It touches on "Where will you live?" (you are building it now!). Any feedback greatly appreciated...I'm about to have my second story on bullying and self-esteem animated. Thanks, Randall [link removed]
Well, um...um... On 5/23/12, Randall wrote: > I wrote this motivational story. It touches on "Where will > you live?" (you are building it now!). Any feedback > greatly appreciated...I'm about to have my second story on > bullying and self-esteem animated. Thanks, Randall > [link removed]

I really wanted to like it for you, but honestly, it'...See More
May 23, 2012
Randall Thanks for the feedback. I realize it might not grab their attention right away, and the "moral/lesson" doesn't come until the end, but if the teacher could "prep" the students to be patient and make it to the ending. You said you made it to the part about the pancakes and still didn't know what the lesson was....but you did watch the whole thing? ...See More
May 24, 2012
Ann The lesson isn't really that clear....the house was made cheaply and would eventually collapse. Likewise, your education needs a solid foundation and should be "well-built"? Is that it? This is way above the primary grades' comprehension. Also, it's long and lots of time seems to be wasted on irrelevant things. Could be more compact and succinct. D...See More
May 24, 2012

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