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I have a student who can not count to 10. He is on an IEP and gets help from the sped teacher, myself and paras and still is having trouble counting to 10. He has no concept of 1 to 1 and still does not recognize the numbers themselves. Anyone have any tips on how to help him? He is very visual and very distracted when learning. He is 6 years old.
Flacka I have had students without an IEP who have had trouble with this and then finally they get it, sometimes not until late in the year.

Counting is rote memorization but try putting the counting to a song, do kinesthetic movement as you count (clap, stomp, etc), count steps as you walk down the hall so he has lots and lots of repetitions. ...See More
Dec 9, 2015
elle On 12/09/15, Flacka wrote: > I have had students without an IEP who have had trouble > with this and then finally they get it, sometimes not until late > in the year. > > Counting is rote memorization but try putting the counting to > a song, do kinesthetic movement as you count (clap, stomp, > etc), count steps as you walk dow...See More
Dec 9, 2015

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