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One of the three K teachers did a "Kinder-bration" on the last day of school, and now the principal is trying to get us other 2 to do it too. Her attitude is "All or none."

I have very mixed emotions about it, most of them negative.

So I thought I'd ask here -- who does something on the last day of school to celebrate the end of Kinder? What do you do? How do you get the parents to not call it a graduation or promotion (which should be saved, IMHO, for end of elementary promotion, 8th grade promotion and HS graduation)?
maureen Donna: I agree with you on all points. Some kids have preschool graduation kindergarten graduation, elementary school graduation, 8th grade graduation and by the time high school graduation comes about, I wonder how special that would be?

I am retired now, but none of my kids or grandkids had any kind of last day "Graduation" typ...See More
Jun 9, 2016
Judy2/CA No, we didn't do any kind of kinder celebration when I taught kinder but I don't think it's a big deal if it's done. My daughter went to a small preschool and they had a "graduation" the last day. I remember the kids made their own "caps" out of paper plates. The most memorable part came when they handed out little certificates ...See More
Jun 11, 2016
Cheryl On 6/09/16, DonnaR/CA wrote: > One of the three K teachers did a "Kinder-bration" on the > last day of school, and now the principal is trying to get > us other 2 to do it too. Her attitude is "All or none." > > I have very mixed emotions about it, most of them negative. > > So I thought I'd ask here -- who ...See More
Jun 21, 2016

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