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I am currently completing a student teaching internship in a a Kindergarten classroom, and we will be covering fractions i in a few weeks. I know that fractions can be a difficult c concept for some students to understand, so I'm seeking s suggestions and strategies/tips that will help me as I p prepare to teach fractions. Our unit will cover the basics i including, 1 whole, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4. Any suggestions for l learning activities that seem to really interest students, w while helping them to understand the concept of fractions. D Do you focus on learning one specific fraction at a time? W What would be your general plan for teaching the basic f fractions over a two week period? Thanks in advance for any t tips or suggestions :)
Flacka Start with with they know and build on this prior knowledge. They are usually most familiar with the terms and the concept when it comes to food - whole cookie, popsicle, sandwich, etc. I use real food whenever possible. When we move on to half I emphasize that it's 2 pieces that are the SAME size (we have all tried to "cheat" our sibs by...See More
Jan 31, 2017
maureen On 1/30/17, JTeach1 wrote: > I am currently completing a student teaching internship in a > a Kindergarten classroom, and we will be covering fractions i > in a few weeks. I know that fractions can be a difficult c > concept for some students to understand, so I'm seeking s > suggestions and strategies/tips that will help me as I p &...See More
Jan 31, 2017

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