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I will be completing my student teaching in Kindergarten soon, and recently accepted a teaching position for Kindergarten for the upcoming school year. I'm seeking suggestions on how to build a classroom library/getting resources for my classroom. Any suggestions on where to get books for cheap/classroom materials? Any other suggestions/tips/advice for a beginning teacher or tips for setting up/organizing a classroom would also be greatly appreciated :D

Thanks in advance!!!!
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DonnaR/CA On 4/10/17, Flacka wrote: > Garage sales, thrift stores and library sales are good places to > look for books at very low prices.

Great suggestions, and this is how I have built up a very big collection over the years. Adding another one: retiring teachers. As you get to know people in the district while you are student teaching, yo...See More
Apr 11, 2017
momof5 Check out warehouse sales. I am not sure where they are located in the US but in MD and PA there are some. I also started sending home scholastic flyers my first year and would order books, sometimes I would earn free books with my orders.

On 4/10/17, JTeach1 wrote: > I will be completing my student teaching in Kindergar...See More
Apr 29, 2017
Pritika Prasad Creating a classroom library is an excellent idea. I have also created a reading corner in my classroom. I have been collecting all kinds of books for the past years. You can buy books at cheap prices in discount stores and markets. Also, you can ask teachers at your school for any reading books that they are not using. Another good idea is to ask ...See More
Oct 22, 2017
flacka Teachers Bargain Basement, a FB page, has over 9,000 members who are teachers, retired teachers or former teachers who buy and sell books for guided reading, read alouds, classroom libraries, etc. They buy and sell classroom materials, resource books, instructional materials, etc.
Oct 22, 2017
Sharun Latif Yes, keep checking for the famous scholastic supper sale. There we usually get 50-80% off the original prices. Their next on coming sale is on the 8th and 9th of November, which is few weeks away. It is great idea to have a library in your classroom. I have one set up in my classroom. Every morning I have a DEAR session where students drop everythi...See More
Oct 22, 2017

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